Work in Progress

David Huerta’s 2022 book of prose poetry

I am currently translating David Huerta’s 2022 book of prose poetry, El ovillo y la brisa (The Skein and the Breeze) for publication by a yet-to-be-found press.

You can some of these  poems in my translation at

Essay on Gloria Gervitz

My essay on Gloria Gervitz is in progress.

Piñera’s short stories published in Cold Tales (1988)

I have begun to revise my translations of Piñera’s short stories published in Cold Tales (1988). I have also applied for an NEA Translation fellowship to translate 24 more stories by Piñera that have not been translated before into English. And I am proposing to publishers a two or three volume project: a revised and expanded Cold Tales, with a total of 68 stories (or two separate volumes: a revised Cold Tales and a new collection of 24 previously untranslated stories by Piñera), and a revised René’s Flesh.

David Huerta’s 2019 book of short essays on poetry

I am imagining translating David Huerta’s 2019 book of short essays on poetry, Las hojas: Sobre poesía.

A poetic sculpture in honor of David Huerta somewhere appropriate in Mexico City

I am imagining creating or collaborating on a permanent sculpture in memory of David Huerta somewhere appropriate in Mexico City, combining my two “Poetree” sculptures and Sue Wink’s “Tree of Knowledge” sculpture  [] in Roswell, New Mexico.