For information about each title or to purchase the book, click on the cover image.

"Gloria Gervitz and Migraciones:
A Bibliomythography"
My essay about Gloria Gervitz and Migraciones, “Gloria Gervitz y Migraciones: Una bibliomitografía,” is the first essay in this collection: Este es el testimonio del oyente. Aproximaciones críticas en torno a Migraciones de Gloria Gervitz, ed. Tania Favela Bustillo (forthcoming 2024). [link to come] It is the first collection of critical essays on Gervitz’s poetry ever to be published.
My English version of this essay is still looking for a publisher (journal, anthology, etc.). Let me know if you have a suggestion!
“Elogio y agradecimiento a David Huerta"
The text of “Elogio y agradecimiento a David Huerta”, my presentation at the “Amigos de David Huerta” panel at the 2019 Guadalajara International Book Fair was reprinted in 2022 by Letras Libres, shortly after David’s death:
My presentation at the 30th anniversary celebration of David Huerta’s book-length poem Incurable
The text of “En el trigésimo aniversario de la publicación de Incurable,” which I presented at the 30th anniversary celebration of David Huerta’s book-length poem Incurable, was later published in A la salud de Incurable: Homenaje a David Huerta. Ed. Fernando Fernández and Carlos Ulises Mata. Universidad de Guanajuato: 2020.

For information about each title or to purchase the book, click on the cover image.
David Huerta's The Skein and the Breeze
(El ovillo y la brisa)
I am currently translating David Huerta’s 2018 book of prose poetry, El ovillo y la brisa (The Skein and the Breeze) for publication by a yet-to-be-found press.
Click here to read my translation into English of “Prologue to a Storehouse Hymn” and four other prose poems from this collection, published in the December 2023 issue of the absolutely delightful, thrice-yearly literary magazine The Bombay Literary Magazine. (And here is Huerta talking about this book.)
David Huerta's Las hojas: Sobre poesía
I am imagining translating David Huerta’s 2019 book of 33 short essays on poetry, Las hojas: Sobre poesía. These were essays that Huerta published over a decade in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México’s Revista de la Universidad durante una década.
Virgilio Piñera's Cold Tales
In 1987, as I was finishing Cold Tales (my translated collection of almost all the short stories Virgilio Piñera’s had published before his death in 1979,) two posthumous collections of his stories were published in Cuba: El fogonazo and Muecas para escribientes. Which is to say that by the time my first book of translations was published it was already sorely incomplete. And to make matters worse, this book has been out of print for over two decades.
It took me thirty-seven years, an NEA Literature Translation Fellowship, and a commitment from New York Review Books to publish an expanded edition of Cold Tales, but I have finally returned to where I began as a literary translator to at last ‘finish the job.’
The expanded edition of Cold Tales will include 25 more stories by Piñera, most translated into English for the first time, ranging from his first recorded story to one of his last, and including one story, which I recently ‘rediscovered,’ that hasn’t been republished in Spanish since it first appeared 1944. The expanded collection will also include my thoroughly revised and corrected translations of the 43 stories by Piñera that appeared in the 1987 edition of Cold Tales: a total of 67 stories, ranging from one paragraph to 30 pages long.
Here is my translation of one of the stories that will appear in the expanded Cold Tales, originally published in BOMB in 2007: “Belisario” (Click on title to read.)
Virgilio Piñera's René's Flesh
A new edition of René’s Flesh, which has been out of print for over two decades, is now on its way! My thoroughly revised translation of Virgilio Piñera’s classic anti-bildungsroman, will be published by New York Review Books.