Work in Progress
David Huerta’s 2022 book of prose poetry
I am currently translating David Huerta’s 2022 book of prose poetry, El ovillo y la brisa (The Skein and the Breeze) for publication by a yet-to-be-found press.
You can some of these poems in my translation at
- “‘Prologue to a Storehouse Hymn’ and Other Prose Poems” (The Bombay Literary Magazine Magazine: Issue 56, December 2023)
Essay on Gloria Gervitz
My essay on Gloria Gervitz is in progress.
Piñera’s short stories published in Cold Tales (1988)
I have begun to revise my translations of Piñera’s short stories published in Cold Tales (1988). I have also applied for an NEA Translation fellowship to translate 24 more stories by Piñera that have not been translated before into English. And I am proposing to publishers a two or three volume project: a revised and expanded Cold Tales, with a total of 68 stories (or two separate volumes: a revised Cold Tales and a new collection of 24 previously untranslated stories by Piñera), and a revised René’s Flesh.
David Huerta’s 2019 book of short essays on poetry
I am imagining translating David Huerta’s 2019 book of short essays on poetry, Las hojas: Sobre poesía.
A poetic sculpture in honor of David Huerta somewhere appropriate in Mexico City
I am imagining creating or collaborating on a permanent sculpture in memory of David Huerta somewhere appropriate in Mexico City, combining my two “Poetree” sculptures and Sue Wink’s “Tree of Knowledge” sculpture [] in Roswell, New Mexico.